Bankruptcy and the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future

Bankruptcy and the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future:
ā€œA holiday message from the Law Office of M. Eric Barksdaleā€¦ā€ It only took 27 years into my professional law career to pen these words. For the prior 27 years, I worked for others, doing much the same and arguing much the same of what I do today, but I worked for others, so I never had the chance. So, let me do my best today!
For many years in my bankruptcy practice, I conducted 341 meeting of creditors, where debtors in bankruptcy are present to answer questions of a court-appointed bankruptcy trustee, or their attorney, and any creditors who appear to do the same. To me, the holidays were always the calmest in bankruptcy court. A time when the Grinch in most everyone took a backseat, but you know thereā€™s a Scrooge about somewhere, so life cannot always be so peaceful.
Maybe it was the ghosts of bankruptcy past, or the innocence of Linus proclaiming the Christmas message on the annual Peanuts Christmas special, but what should have been a stressful day for many, was seemingly a calm, non-trying experience. In many bankruptcy hearings in December the spirit of Christmas past, present and future would take over and control the moment.
Unfortunately, the main reasons people file bankruptcy, which are job loss, divorce, health and personal injury medical conditions, do not stop for the holidays. And stretching holiday spending using credit cards may create overwhelming debt loads to repay during and after the holidays. Talking to a bankruptcy attorney may not be as good as sitting on Santaā€™s lap in the days before Christmas, but it can begin the road of easing the stress leading to relief. People need to know their options when facing an uncertain future. If these words ring true to you, think about scheduling a free consultation to learn how bankruptcy can provide a fresh start for you, or to determine alternatives to bankruptcy if appropriate to your situation.
Our wish to all of you today is peace when everything else screams otherwise. Being overwhelmed by debt may take your peace away, but a fresh start in bankruptcy may change that, just like the Grinch and Scrooge were both changed by the spirit of Christmas.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Holidays from the Law Office of M. Eric Barksdale, P.A.
