Life After a Storm – Press on Regardless

Life After a Storm – Press on Regardless

This past weekend many of you who follow this blog in West Central Florida persevered Hurricane Irma and its after effects. We were uncertain as to what to expect as hurricanes are so complicated and unpredictable, so we prepared and hunkered down as best we could if we could not otherwise evacuate. The storm could have been much worse here, but thankfully the storm weakened, somewhat, and we are all grateful for that. We are also grateful for the hard work and dedication of our first responders who worked so hard to keep all of us safe. We weathered a severe storm that could have been worse, and we now press on regardless after the storm. We are thankful for the help and support of our family and friends who helped us to do just that, to press on regardless of the circumstances we found ourselves. I encourage everyone to give generously to the relief efforts for the victims of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.

Individuals anticipating bankruptcy envision the whole bankruptcy process as a severe storm, a terrible storm waiting to happen. They are uncertain as to what to expect and as to what the outcome might be. If you know someone, perhaps yourself, who is anticipating or find themselves amid a financial storm leading up to bankruptcy, they need to prepare as best they can and hunker down with the advice of an experienced bankruptcy attorney. Bankruptcy, like a severe storm, can be complicated and unpredictable for individuals who try to weather a bankruptcy on their own. An experienced bankruptcy attorney will help you to avoid the legal problems, pitfalls and mistakes you might make without legal representation. If you find yourself in need of an experienced bankruptcy attorney, I believe my broad experience in representing both chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcy trustees for the last 26 years makes me uniquely qualified to help individuals through financial storms, with individualized attention to clients. Call me today at 813-308-9045 for a free initial consultation.

I wrote this sitting in a darkened house with no power, no air conditioning, by the light of a battery powered lantern, cooled by a small fan powered by the generosity of a neighbor and his gas-powered generator. We all press on regardless of the circumstances and trials we find ourselves. Never, never quit!
